Top Six Sacred Places in Jerusalem
The Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, is one of Judaism's most holy sites . Wall is a holy site and visitors are expected to don a kippa (small Jewish .
Jerusalem - El Aksa Mosque - The Wailing Wall - The Holy Sepulcher
Jews believe in the holiness of the Wailing Wall which is the sole remainder of the Temple of Solomon and perceive it as sacred site of pilgrimage. Since the .
Coins found under Jerusalem's Western Wall hints that sacred site is ...
Nov 25, 2011 . The history of one of the world's holiest sites - sacred to both Jews and . coins inside an ancient Jewish ritual bath by the Wailing Wall in the .
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The Western Wall
It became the most sacred spot in Jewish religious and national . of the former association, it became known in European languages as the "Wailing Wall".
Western Wall (BiblePlaces.com)
Also known as the Kotel, Wailing Wall, Wailing-place of the Jews . The Western Wall is the most holy place accessible to the Jewish people because of Muslim .
About the Wall
See live pictures of the wall and place a note in the wall. . the Western Wall is especially dear, as it is the spot closest to the Holy of Holies, . Thus it became known as the "Wailing Wall" because of the centuries of endless tears, shed by Jews .
Holy Sites in Palestine
Called WAILING WALL, in the Old City of Jerusalem, a place of prayer and pilgrimage sacred to the Jewish people. It is the only remains of the Second Temple .
Wailing Wall in 1800s (Life in the Holy Land)
The Wailing-Place of the Jews. North of Barclay's Gate is the well-known Wailing-place of the Jews, a small paved area in front of a portion of the retaining wall .
Western Wall - Jerusalem - Sacred Destinations
Oct 20, 2009 . It has also been called the "Wailing Wall" by European observers because for centuries Jews have gathered here to lament the loss of their .
Wailing Wall - definition of Wailing Wall by the Free Online ...
Wailing Wall - a wall in Jerusalem; sacred to Jews as a place of prayer and lamentation; its stones are believed to have formed part of the Temple of Solomon .
Western Wall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jews may often be seen sitting for hours at the Wailing-place bent in sorrowful meditation over . Today, this wall is one of the seven wonders of the Holy City.
Western (Wailing) Wall
Feb 24, 2010 . This page describes the Western (Wailing) wall of Herod's temple. . years were answered: the holy site returned back again to Jewish control, .
The Temple and the Wall
In Jewish tradition, this Temple Mount is sacred because Abraham, the first . Today, the eighteen meter Western Wall sometimes called the Wailing Wall on .
The Western Wall - Jewish Virtual Library
For the Jews, however, this remnant of what was the most sacred building in the . Kotel were so heartfelt that gentiles began calling the site the Wailing Wall.
Wailing Wall - What Is Jerusalem's Wailing Wall or Western Wall ...
Sectarian and ideological claims aside, the Wailing Wall remains a sacred place for Jews and others, who often pray, sometimes wail, and sometimes slip .
The Western Wall in Jerusalem Travel Information
When you visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem, also known as the Wailing Wall, you . The reason that it is so sacred is because it is the only remnant of the ancient . It is the current closest spot to the holiest place in Judaism, and many Jewish .
When Arabs Massacred Jews Because they Sat While
But under Turkish and Arab tradition, the Wailing Wall was not the Jews' holy site. Rather, it was revered by Muslims as al-Buraq, the place where Mohammad .
The 'Wailing Wall' is not Jewish | Rehmat's World
Aug 12, 2011 . "There is no compulsion in religion," Holy Qur'an . Roman fortress built by King Herold and the Jewish holy Wailing Wall (the Western Wall) .
Romney and Wife Go to Jerusalem's Western Wall - ABC News
Jul 29, 2012 . The term Wailing Wall is not used by Jewish people. The proper term is . The right to vote for me is a HOLY RIGHT from God. I'll vote for .
What does Wailing Wall mean? definition, meaning and ...
WAILING WALL (noun) The noun WAILING WALL has 1 sense: 1. a wall in Jerusalem; sacred to Jews as a place of prayer and lamentation; its stones are .
The Western Wall of Jerusalem
It is a Jewish belief that the Holy Presence has never left the Western Wall, . is how the Wall, "Ha'kotel" in Hebrew, has gained the name - the "Wailing Wall".
The Strange Story of the False Wailing Wall
It is actually the Western Wall of Fort Antonia. But how did the present "Wailing Wall" get erroneously selected by the Jewish authorities as a holy place for the .
Why is the Western or Wailing Wall sacred to Jews
Why is the Western or Wailing Wall sacred to Jews? In: Wailing Wall [Edit categories]. Answer: There is no such thing as a wailing wall. This is a misnomer .