Both Governments will conduct bilateral work, including bilateral defense planning in case of an armed attack against Japan, and mutual cooperation planning .
WASHINGTON DECLARATION ON DEFENSE COOPERATION . The bilateral defense relationship between the Participants is based on full respect for the . Increase understanding of the respective defense policies of each Participant .
4th Australia-Japan Foreign and Defence Ministerial Consultations ...
13 hours ago . Working together to confront increasing threats in cyberspace by shaping . Strengthening practical bilateral defence cooperation to enable the .
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Agreement on Defense Cooperation | Embassy of the United States ...
They shall strive to improve this bilateral cooperation between their governments and their defense companies, and to take steps toward achieving a more .
VN, Australia increase defence cooperation -- Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
Aug 29, 2012 . VN, Australia increase defence cooperation . Both noted with pleasure the bilateral defence ties, especially in training cooperation.
U.S. - Norway Bilateral Issues | Embassy of the United States Oslo ...
Bilateral Defense Cooperation: The U.S. and Norwegian militaries enjoy a high . the use of new technologies to improve impact, gender equity, accountability .
U.S.-India Security and Defense Cooperation | Center for Strategic ...
Since the signing of the New Framework for Defense Cooperation in 2005, the . than $8 billion and high-level exchanges on defense issues have increased substantially. . Bilateral defense trade cooperation; Military-to-military cooperation .
Guyana, Brazil to expand bilateral defence : Kaieteur News
2 days ago . A recent visit from Brazil's Minister of Defence, Ambassador Celso Amorim, . paved for Guyana and Brazil to intensify bilateral defence cooperation. . and/or, work within the Guyana Defence Force with the aim of increasing .
India-US Defense Relations - Embassy of India
The 'New Framework in the India-US Defence Relationship' signed between . in March 2006, welcomed increased bilateral cooperation in the defence area .
Building Strategic relations with vietnam - National Defense University
place in August 2010 and established the basis for discussion of ways to improve bilateral defense cooperation in several areas. The. United States came away .
India-UK relations
India seeks to increase its bilateral trade with the UK to £24 billion by 2015. . Defence equipment co-operation includes supply of AW101 helicopters and Hawk .
Australia and Japan to increase bilateral cooperation in the defence ...
During a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Satoshi Morimoto, the Australian defence minister Stephen Smith claimed that the two nations .
PH, South Korea discuss better bilateral ties, defense cooperation ...
Aug 31, 2012 . PH, South Korea discuss better bilateral ties, defense cooperation . Cruz, in the statement, noted a steady increase of Korean visitors to the .
Defence Ministers » Defence Minister completes Indonesia visit
Sep 5, 2012. I held bilateral discussions on Defence cooperation and Search and . of expertise and experience to improve Search and Rescue capability .
Thoughtlines with Bob Carr
Strengthening practical bilateral defence cooperation to enable the Australian . to boost interoperability and increase the skills and capabilities of both defence .
Defence relations - Embassy Of India, Beijing
INDIA CHINA BILATERAL DEFENCE COOPERATION IN 2010-11 . Both sides agreed to increase the defense exchanges between the two countries and .
FranceIndia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. . and both nations have since established close co-operation in defence and commerce. Contents. 1 History; 2 Development of bilateral relations; 3 Strategic cooperation .
No. 24: India's Defense Spending and Modernization
Aug 28, 2012 . Defense Cooperation Dialogue (DCG), an ongoing forum to . increase in South America. 1 . partnerships, increasing bilateral defense related .
Indo-French Relations
France has consistently supported India's increasing role in international fora. . Defence cooperation with France is a key aspect of our overall bilateral .
Print - defence.professionals | defpro.com
Aug 29, 2012 . U.S.-Brazil Relations and the Role of the Defense Industry . President Obama established the U.S.-Brazil Defense Cooperation Dialogue (DCG), . promoting corporate partnerships, increasing bilateral defense related trade .
Australia and Indonesia: Strategic Partners - Defence Ministers
Sep 4, 2012 . I acknowledge the presence tonight of Minister for Defence Dr Purnomo . and changing political landscape and our bilateral relationship at an . this week to discuss increasing maritime and transport safety cooperation with .
6 Security and defence - regjeringen.no
Nordic security and defence policy cooperation has increased in recent years. . Since 2001, Norway and Russia have drawn up an annual bilateral military .
Joint statement of strategic partnership between Australia and France
To maintain and strengthen defence dialogue and cooperation, they will: . The two Governments reassert the importance of close bilateral cooperation to address . They reaffirm their commitment to improve aid effectiveness and strengthen .