What is the prognosis for neuroblastoma? - MedicineNet
Get the facts on neuroblastoma symptoms, signs, diagnosis, stages, treatment, types, research, prognosis and statistics. This form of adrenal cancer strikes .
Neuroblastoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prognosis. Between 20% and 50% of high-risk cases do not respond adequately to induction high-dose chemotherapy and are .
Neuroblastoma Prognosis
Between 20% and 50% of high-risk cases do not respond adequately to induction high-dose chemotherapy and are progressive or refractory. Relapse after .
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The prognosis for patients with neuroblastoma is related to their age at diagnosis, . Surgicopathologic staging of neuroblastoma: prognostic significance of .
Neuroblastoma Treatment (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Prognosis. Approximately 70% of patients with neuroblastoma have metastatic disease at diagnosis. The prognosis for patients with .
Neuroblastoma Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Stages and ...
Get the facts on neuroblastoma symptoms, signs, diagnosis, stages, treatment, types, research, prognosis and statistics. This form of adrenal cancer strikes .
Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation Frequently Asked ...
Q: What is the survival rate of neuroblastoma? A: The survival rate of high-risk children is approximately 40 percent. Q: Can adults get neuroblastoma? A: Yes, a .
Neuroblastoma Causes, Prognosis, Treatments
May 16, 2012 . This cancer treatment information summary provides an overview of the prognosis,diagnosis,classification,and treatment of neuroblastoma.
Pediatric Neuroblastoma
Jun 6, 2012 . Patients with low-risk and intermediate-risk neuroblastoma have excellent prognosis and outcome. However, those with high-risk disease .
Prognosis of Neuroblastoma - RightDiagnosis.com
Feb 1, 2012 . Prognosis of Neuroblastoma including probable outcomes, duration, recurrence, complications, deaths, and survival rates.
Long-Term Prognosis for Neuroblastoma | eHow.com
Long-Term Prognosis for Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer, with 90 percent of the cases occurring in children younger than 5, according to .
Good Prognosis for Neuroblastoma Patients Diagnosed Before 18 ...
Good Prognosis for Neuroblastoma Patients Diagnosed Before 18 Months of Age . have a good prognosis after treatment for disseminated neuroblastoma.
Treatment and prognosis of neuroblastoma
Sep 22, 2011 . The term neuroblastoma is commonly used to refer to a spectrum of neuroblastic tumors (including neuroblastomas, ganglioneuroblastomas, .
Neuroblastoma | Seattle Children's Hospital
For neuroblastoma, our survival rate is nearly 5 points higher than the national average. More than 90% of children with low-risk disease survive. About 70% to .
Neuroblastoma - MD Anderson Cancer Center
Infants with neuroblastoma under one year of age have a better prognosis than older children, regardless of the extent of the disease. Some neuroblastomas .
Age and prognosis in neuroblastoma. Review of 112 patients ...
Age and prognosis in neuroblastoma. Review of 112 patients younger than 2 years. Jereb B, Bretsky SS, Vogel R, Helson L. The results of 112 children with .
Neuroblastoma Treatment (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
May 7, 2012 . Biologic factors determine prognosis in infants with stage IV neuroblastoma: A prospective Children's Cancer Group study. J Clin Oncol 18 (6): .
What is Neuroblastoma?
The prognosis for Neuroblastoma depends greatly on the child's age and the stage of the disease. The farther along the disease has progressed, the more .
How is neuroblastoma staged?
Jan 11, 2012 . For neuroblastoma, several other factors also affect prognosis, including a child's age and certain tests of blood and tumor specimens.
Statistical Estimation of Prognosis for Children with Neuroblastoma
Summary. Variants of a linear logistic model are used to analyze 2-year survival proportions for 246 children treated for neuroblastoma. The analysis shows that .
Age at Diagnosis and Prognosis in Children With Neuroblastoma
Three articles in this issue address the important topic of age at diagnosis as a prognostic factor in children with neuroblastoma (NB).1-3 Unraveling the puzzle .
Things to Consider - Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation
Things to Consider During Neuroblastoma Treatment. You have the right to have all questions about your child's neuroblastoma diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, .
Neuroblastoma: biology, prognosis, and treatment.
Neuroblastoma: biology, prognosis, and treatment. Park JR, Eggert A, Caron H. Division of Hematology and Oncology, University of Washington School of .