How to File a Small Claims Case in a Colorado Court | eHow.com
Colorado small claims courts can only handle lawsuits in the amount of . If it's more, you have to go to the civil division of the county court and possibly hire an . these forms at your local courthouse (request a complaint for small claims court ).
Small Claims Court | Colorado legal forms
Legal information and forms for Small Claims Court and CO Small Claims Court including Small Claims Court Forms from . Civil Litigation and Judgment Forms .
Colorado Small Claims Law - State Laws - Small Claims
This summary only discusses civil claims (property and money claims that . Maximum Amount of Claim Small Claims Court may hear in Colorado: . Things to do before you File a Claim:Get the facts straight so you can complete the forms .
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Self Help Center and Approved Colorado Legal Forms
Denver County Court Magistrate Alan Bucholtz has written a Small Claims . Additional filing information for Denver County Court civil cases can be found here. . hundreds of printable legal forms approved for use in Colorado State Courts.
Colorado Small Claims - Lawyers.com
Small claims court is a division of each state or county's court system that let you resolve small legal disputes for a small fee. . In Colorado, the small claims court can handle only certain kinds of claims. Generally . Do It Yourself Legal Forms .
How to File a Civil Court Lawsuit in Colorado | eHow.com
How to File a Civil Court Lawsuit in Colorado. The Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure govern the preparation, filing and pursuit of a civil lawsuit in the Centennial .
Colorado Court Records Online Guide
Court Records and Cases in Colorado. . The Guide to Colorado Court Records . Each County Court has a Small Claims division for most general civil cases .
Small Claims Suits and Appeals - Colorado Law Project: Small ...
Jun 7, 2012 . Colorado Law Project: Small Claims Resources. Small . Forms for filing small claims cases are all located on the Colorado State . Colorado Legal Services helps low-income Coloradans find solutions to civil legal problems.
Colorado State Judicial Branch - Self Help
As part of separating the self help and forms tabs the URL was updated. The forms information has been relocated to http://www.courts.state.co.us/Forms/ Index.
Colorado State Judicial Branch - Self Help - Forms - Small Claims ...
E-File Small Claims cases in Adams and Jefferson Counties through the Integrated . All forms must be completed in English pursuant to Colorado law, see .
Local Small Claims Practices - Colorado State Judicial Branch
Small Claims trials are usually scheduled on a Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. The court address is 200 E. First St., Rm. 301, Trinidad, CO 81082 (719) .
A Small Claims packet containing the forms, instructions and information is available, free of charge, . If your claim exceeds $7,500.00 but is less than $15,000.00, you may file a County Court Civil action. . Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2980.
Colorado State Judicial Branch - Self Help - Forms
List of Forms & Instructions by Category . Civil de condado . Small Claims . to provide comments about this site, please email us (411@judicial.state.co.us) or .
Colorado Small Claims Courts - FindLaw
Apr 23, 2008 . In Colorado, Colorado revised statutes, Sections 13.6.401-417 . County Court Civil Division · Small Claims Forms and Instructions From the Colorado Courts . Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure for Small Claims Courts, Rule .
Self Help - Forms - Appeals County Court Civil & Small Claims ...
Description: This page will help you learn about the rules and laws in Colorado in the area of County Court / Small Claims Appeals and case filing form and fee .
Colorado Small Claims Court Information
Statutes: Colorado revised statutes, Sections 13.6.401-417; Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure for Small Claims Courts, Rule 501- 521. Dollar Limit: $7,500.
Online Services: Sacramento Superior Court
Case types available include Criminal, Civil Family Law, Probate, Small Claims, and Unlawful Detainer. Civil & Probate Documents and Tentative Ruling Viewer .
Small Claims - Consumer Issues | Colorado Legal Services - For low ...
Complete and Print Out Small Claims Forms Online . who need to complete the court forms necessary to file a Small Claims action in Colorado. . you need to answer your questions regarding family law and other civil matters (not criminal).
Small Claims Court - Page 2 - City-Data Forum
Oct 10, 2008 . what does it cost to file a claim in small claims court in colorado and what all is involved? . In any civil case, you (nor any interested party) cannot serve a . State document entitled Instructions for Filing a Small Claims Case, .
Colorado Laws on Small Claims Suits | eHow.com
Lawsuits filed in Colorado small claims courts are limited to $7,500. . you bring the originals and two copies of any exhibits or documents relevant to your case.
Information for Renters - Security Deposits - Colorado Legal Services
. deposits from landlords, how to file in small claims court and how to file a civil action suit. Please note that some of the links in this document go to .pdf files.
Larimer County - Courts
Courts are a function of the State of Colorado. . traffic infractions, small claims, felony complaints (which may be sent to District Court) and small civil cases.
Colorado Court System - Denver Bar Association
The Colorado Constitution defines the structure and gives the power to the three . The small claims court, a division of the county court, only decides civil cases .