Ideas: A Virtual Bardic Circle
Jul 19, 2008 . Ideas. Whatever I feel like talking about. . I recently created a virtual bardic circle with webbed recordings of some of my stories and poems, .
Menu and Recipes for K&Q Bardic Championship feast
This document was created for the feast of K & Q Bardic Championships, A.S. XXXIV in . (plain and honey); Egg noodles with butter will be available for tables with children . clotted cream are period or not, but we really loved the idea of doing a high tea! . This recipe is based on something served to me at an SCA event.
Bardic Songs for Everyone
span of SCA time periods and how to create them with both period . First Time Bardic Performance with Gentle . useful ideas on how best to use it and various .
anya deep purple mp3 Kym Worthy Announces Bob Bashara Charges
A-Z bardic
specialty. Being a bard is a profession, and success in the bardic profession requires the same dedication as success in . If you have an idea for a change you'd like to . kids have gone to school (or after you've gotten home from school) .
Rosaleen Dhu | Cedar Rapids, IA | Folk / Irish / SCA Bardic | Music ...
Rosaleen Dhu. Rank #25 Cedar Rapids, IA Folk / Irish / SCA Bardic. Rosaleen Dhu. Album Cover: Rosaleen Dhu · Sioux City Renaissance Faire 2011 .
Family Activities
Aug 9, 2012 . Unfortunately, some kids entertained themselves by playing on the permanent . We shared lots of great ideas, and I want to share them in future posts. . Please join us at Crown, bring your children, and help them share your joy of the SCA by inviting them to . 7:00-8:00: Teen Bardic: songs and stories .
Lady Dearbhforgaill an Chonhaidh - The Barony of Endless Hills
SCADIAN LIFE: I've been involved with the SCA since 2002 and I have lived in the . ACTIVITIES/INTERESTS:Bardic arts, late period English vocal music, and culinary arts . MUNDANE BIO: Deborah Geary-Aks is the mother of 2 kids (David and Alexandra), two cats, a dog and a parakeet. . Ideas come from everywhere.
Known World Cooks and Bards 2012
It is their pleasure to announce that the next Known World Bardic Congress and . Children (Under 17): $10 . and through European exploration affected other cultures during SCA period. . Hopefully other people will contribute their ideas.
Mercedes Lackey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6.10.1 Bardic Voices; 6.10.2 Bardic Choices. 6.11 The Dragon . She often refers to her various parrots as her "feathered children". The afterwords to some of .
Barony of Lions Gate
Adults $10, Youths (13-18) $5, Children (12 and under) free, family cap of $25. NMS will be in effect. . Bardic Defender competitor will need to perform 2 pieces, at least one must be period. One piece . 1) Members in good standing of the SCA. 2) Residents of Tir Righ . 9am to 11am - UTR Class #1 (both venues) 9:30 AM .
Links Page - The Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra
Suggestions for additional links are welcome! . The Official SCA WWW Page is an excellent resource for on-line information about . Dancing, Music, and Bardic . Medieval Popular Astrology, The Planets and Their Children- A Blockbook of .
Ducal Prize Tourney - Competitions and Activities | Kingdom ...
If you have ideas or think we're missing something please contact the Autocrat . and Three-Legged Race (mixed age teams);; Bardic: Filk - By The Numbers, Original . Shady Hats, Ceremony Re-dux, Adaptation of a modern item for SCA use . Children from 14 to 18 have to have their parent or guardian sign them into the .
Bardic Primer - SCA Lyondemere
Sep 11, 2007 . Being a bard is a profession, and success in the bardic profession requires the . or risqué material which is not suitable for children (or some adults). . If you have an idea for a change you'd like to make, give it a try, spend a .
story-sources-msg.text - Stefan's Florilegium Archive
Andrews) Newsgroups: rec.org.sca Subject: Re: Good Stories Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 . is likely to be an abbreviated and bowdlerized version, intended for children. . Opinion), so be aware that others will probably have radically different ideas. In SCA bardic circles, the question of "appropriate material" must hinge upon .
SCA Intro
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) began in 1966. It is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization dedicated to the study, research, .
Principality of the Mists
One never wins a tournament in the SCA but is acknowledged the victor by the other combatants . We have many ideas like Bacon Wars for the fall Cynagua/ Mists war, . September 22, 2012 Mists Bardic and Feast, Santa Clara, CA . Tunics and other garb in Large Men's sizes; Garb for grammar school-age children; Belts .
personalized bags for children treating pylonephritis in children ...
. children children dentist in lompoc california blootshot eyes in children ideas . children sca childrens bardic coloring pictue of children childrens story of the .
Mi Contra Fa: Research and Documentation for the Bardic Arts
Jun 14, 2008 . This class came out of a bardic workshop at Storvik's Tournament of Chivalry in late April 2008. . and accompanied themselves, and in what venues they did this . . to share what you've learned, or to use as a class or article in the SCA. . Highland River Melees 2008 · Improvisation · Instruments · Kids .
GWW - Great Western War XV - Oct 3-8, 2012: Newcomers
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) ** Kingdom of Caid ** Great Western War . the Battlefields, Children's' Activities, friends camps you want to visit, etc. . the bardic circles or the camps of friends, it is a very good idea to have an escort.
Banner War | Barony of Aquaterra
thrown weapons, arts and sciences (cooking, costume, games, bardic, dance) . ( SCA Legal) or a piece of Armour (SCA Standard) to A&S Point FRIDAY night by . For a War Point: Children's A&S Contest: Parents please encourage your . This year's combat is designed to bring the many banners idea back to the war.
The Well-Tempered Harpy
Aug 25, 2012 . She's putting together a 2-volume compilation album of SCA bardic works . But at the same time, the idea is for my songs to feel "finished," and .
SCA Camping 101
Whether or not you're an experienced camper, SCA camping events lend a whole new . plastic floor that wraps up the sides like basin), a ground cloth is a good idea. . People camping in these areas are often families with small children or . special interest at an event (combat, archery, bardic, arts and sciences, etc.).
Duckford Directory of SCA Writings
Bardic Competition · Becoming the Source · Boasting · Camping · Children · Complaints · Cynicism . for the Multitudes · Words · Writing in the SCA . CAMPING lists and pages have been consolidated at sca/camping. There are several . Bright Ideas and True Confessions: How and What to Do and Why · Preface (intro .